Kickstart Your Spring Garden: A Guide to Starting Seeds Indoors – Land Guard Skip to content
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Kickstart Your Spring Garden: A Guide to Starting Seeds Indoors

Kickstart Your Spring Garden: A Guide to Starting Seeds Indoors

As winter fades and spring approaches, you want to make the most of the warmer weather to get your garden growing. Starting seeds indoors is a tried-and-true method to get a head start on the gardening season. With just a few dollars' worth of seeds, you can cultivate a variety of plants inexpensively. Plus, starting your own seeds allows you to experiment with unique varieties that may not be available at local garden centers. Here’s what you need to know to successfully start seeds indoors for planting in your LandGuard Garden Bed once temperatures warm up.

Easy Seeds to Start Indoors

If you’re new to starting seeds indoors, it’s best to keep it simple. Choose one or two easy-to-grow varieties, such as these popular flowering annuals:

  • Marigolds: These bright and cheerful flowers are a staple in many gardens. With a wide range of colorful varieties available, growing them from seed gives you access to unique options that local garden centers may not carry.

  • Cosmos: Known for their vibrant blooms, cosmos come in delightful pastel shades as well as bold oranges, yellows, and pinks, making them a lovely addition to any garden.

  • Morning Glories: These climbing vines add beauty to fences and trellises, producing an abundance of blooms throughout the summer. They come in various colors, including shades of blue, purple, red, pink, white, and bi-colors.

Test Garden Tip: Check the seed package label for guidance on how many weeks before the average last frost date you should start your seeds indoors. Typically, seedlings need about six to eight weeks to get a good head start, so count backward from your area's frost date to determine the right time to begin planting.

Container Options

While plastic seed trays and seed-starter kits are convenient for growing seeds indoors, you can also get creative with recycled materials. Just remember to punch drainage holes in each container before planting. Here are some great alternatives:

  • Cardboard Egg Cartons: These work well for starting seeds and can be easily cut apart when it’s time to transplant.

  • Milk Jugs and Yogurt Cups: Clean and cut-down containers from your recycling bin can serve as effective seed starters.

  • Newspaper Pots: You can make your own seed starter pots from newspaper, providing an eco-friendly option that can be planted directly into your garden beds.

By starting seeds indoors, you can ensure a vibrant and diverse garden in your LandGuard Garden Bed once spring arrives. This method not only saves you money but also allows you to cultivate plants that reflect your personal taste. Happy planting!

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