Oval Beds
No bending required for our extra tall raised beds. Our galvanizedmetal raised garden beds provide optimal space for you to plantlarger vegetables with deep root systems, as well as smaller ones. In summary, our metal garden beds are a cost-effective solution forenhancing your garden's beauty and productivity. Their durability, ease of assembly, and stylish design make them a valuable additionto any outdoor space, allowing you to enjoy your leisure time in abeautiful and functional garden.
Shop nowRectangular Beds
Made from sturdy steel which can withstand the extreme weatherand resist rusting, making it a durable and long-lasting option foryour gardening needs. The double-layer coated painting make our galvanized metalgarden bed more sturdy and stable without any scratches. Theclassic ofthe classics, this is the first galvanized raised garden beckit we launched. The configurations are among the most iconicdesigns for anyone who is new to garden beds. The height is alsogreat for easy, quick access when gardening and assists in keepingslugs and pests at a minimum too. Great for growing herbs, succulents, veggies, or fowers.
Shop nowCover System
Greenhouse protect plants from the cold and frostThe indoor temperature may be 5-10 degrees higher than outsidewhich is perfect for seeding. The double-layer window of galvanizedraised garden bed and roll-up doors design access to irrigating andair circulating
Shop nowTrellis System
Compatible with all galvanized raised garden beds except RoundBeds. The durable plastic-coated finish helps prevent rusting ancstands the test of time and weather. Rust and corrosion resistantsturdy and durable for years of outdoor use. Compatible with algarden beds except Round Beds.
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